England, London, Media, UK Violist Richard Waters talks about new National Gallery concerts | VIDEO By Hannah Nepil
Reviews, Showcase, UK Songbooks | REVIEW | The Ligeti Quartet’s latest album is based on Tuvan and Sardinian throat singing By Hannah Nepil
England, London, Media, Showcase, UK Interview with Petru Cotarcea | VIDEO | An interview with a violinist who has set up a music school on a London bus By Hannah Nepil
England, London, Media, Showcase, UK Interview with Greg Batsleer | VIDEO | the conductor talks about mixing Handel with electronic music By Hannah Nepil
England, London, Media, Showcase, UK Interview with Thomas Guthrie | VIDEO | The director speaks about using puppets in Schubert’s song cycles By Hannah Nepil
England, London, Media, Showcase, UK Spem in Alium | VIDEO | ORA Singers perform Thomas Tallis’s monumental 40-part work By Hannah Nepil
England, London, Showcase, UK Spem in Alium at Tate Modern | VIDEO | an interview with ORA director Suzi Digby By Hannah Nepil
Europe, Media The acoustic-improving face mask | VIDEO | Iván Fischer on his new invention By Hannah Nepil
England, Media, UK Daylonging, Slacktide | VIDEO | Lawrence Power plays Cassandra Miller’s new piece inspired by a Georgian song project By Hannah Nepil