What is Circa? | Our guide to the theatrical acrobatics troupe who often blend circus with classical music

Picture of Circa's Duck Pond

Circa’s Duck Pond | PHOTO: Pia Johnson

By Georgia Mott

What is Circa?

It is a theatrical acrobatics company that specializes in incorporating a modern drama component into circus based performance.

How and where did Circa start?

Circa had originally been named ‘Rock and Roll Circus’ by founders Derek Ives and Antonella Casella . Both founders were trained circus performers prior to setting up the company that we now know as Circa, with the late Derek Ives working in circus shows from when he was a teenager.

So, what about Circa now?

Circa as we know it now was founded in 2004 in Brisbane, Australia. The current CEO and Artistic Director is Yaron Lifschitz, who is also Creative Director of Arts and Culture of the 21st Commonwealth Games and Head Tutor in Directing at Australian Theatre for Young People. All of the ensemble as well as Lifschitz himself have an extensive repertoire in circus performance.

What is a typical Circa performance like?

Their primary goal as an acrobatic troupe is to successfully incorporate challenging circus theatrics with meaningful and profound narratives in order to create an abstract and original dramatic performance. Their aim, as they put it, is to ‘blur the lines between movement, dance, theatre and circus’. Their productions are often set to well-known pieces of music, such as Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring  and Monteverdi’s Vespers, helping to shed new light on the physicality of those pieces.

And what does that look like in practice?

It’s pretty varied. In ‘Humans’, for example, they go for something quite bare:  a stripped-back set with minimal props or equipment, and basic, unadorned costumes in order to focus attention on the performers’ bodies. Through movements such as human towers, flip, handstands, throwing and catching, and a reliance on teamwork –  often using each other’s bodies as support – they aim to explore the limits of human physicality and connection.

In Duck Pond, however, they go for something more playful and lavish: a new on Tchaikovsky’s well-known ballet Swan Lake, shot through with cheeky humour.

Where have they already performed?

They are currently touring internationally right now, with notable cities including Berlin, Beverly Hills and London. They  also regularly appear at the famous arts festival, the Edinburgh Fringe, as well as international venues such as the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York and, of course, any acclaimed arts festivals based in Australia.

And where can I see them next?

In December, they bring DuckPond  to the Southbank Centre.  For more information click here.

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